Storing Up Trouble: The Rich Fool's Folly
Luke 12:13-21
13 Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”
14 Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” 15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”
16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17 He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’
18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’
20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’
21 “This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”
This Sunday’s service can be viewed on our Facebook page @ Sunday, June 23, 2024
Did you know we're facing a storage crisis in America? According to one article, excesses of the American dream fill 23 million individual storage units covering 2.5 billion square feet in 50,000 storage facilities across the country. That's enough room for every one of 340 million Americans to similtaneously find a place to stand inside these storage units..
Even former President Trump, who lives in a 126-room, 62,500-square-foot mansion with gold-plated sinks, evidently had to rent a neaby storage unit for a few extra boxes of top security documents (cue the angry emails; but I seem to recall President Biden also has had his own security document storage issues..Remember, I'm just the guest preacher!).
Then there's our garages and basements, but let's not even go there.
But what happens to all this stuff once we're gone? And why do we keep striving to obtain and store more and more? Join us this Sunday as we hear from friends who are investing in eternal things here in Rochester and overseas and invite us to do the same, and as we explore from Luke 12:13-27 one of Jesus' most captivating parables on a foolish person who ends up "Storing Up Trouble" for himself.
See you soon -- and invite a friend or someone you haven't seen for a while to join you at The Cabin this Sunday..
Steve Eng
Following the worship gathering, worship services will be uploaded to our website
and will be available at
NewDay Online Giving:
Q & A with Jon and Gail, NewDay's Leadership Team candidates, to share a little bit about themselves. If you have any questions for Jon and Gail, there will be time on June 30th, just before we vote during our Congregational Meeting.
1) I have been involved with NewDay since late 2020.
2) Family: Just Me, Shealeigh and Keldon in our family! I'm originally from Minneapolis, and then Burnsville. Shealeigh is from the Chicago area, specifically Island Lake. Keldon is from Rochester..
3) Occupation: Data Analyst at Mayo Clinic
4) A memory of how you've seen God at work in your life at NewDay? Probably the most obvious way I have seen God working in my life since being a part of NewDay is opening my mind and heart to seeing other believer's perspectives. He has been growing in me a better ability to be understanding of others (still have a long way to go, but God is patient thankfully).
5) Favorite Bible passage: Titus 3:3-7, if you need to only pick one, verse 5 is my favorite but all those verses around it really support it I think.
6) I like being active, and enjoy mostly basketball & volleyball. and camping and fishing. We like to go up to the BWCA once a year or so. I really enjoy watching sports too - mostly football (Vikes) and basketball (twolves).
7)Fun facts! In 2016 I ran the Boston Marathon, and I once crashed a moped and got stitches in India.
1) How long have you been a part of NewDay?
We were part of the church plant so have been here since NewDay started.
2) I am married to Jeff, our Son Erik in is heavenly home, and our daughter Lyssa, son-in-law Derek and their girls, Reagan and Grace live in Burnsville. I have two sisters, 4 nephews and a niece living on West Cost either in CA or WA.
3) Occupation: Business Manager/Accountant
4) A memory of how you've seen God at work in your life at NewDay? I saw God at work a lot at the YMCA… great mission field, especially with Awana, where more than half the kids weren’t part of our church
5) Favorite Bible verse: Romans 3:23
6) I enjoy travelling, reading, cards, gardening, activities with the granddaughters.
7) Any fun facts you'd like to share with the church?
I Played fast pitch softball for over 20 years.
I clowned with a professional group in parades many years ago.
Leadership Team Nominations on June 30th
On June 30th, we will be voting after worship on Gail Hester and Jon Inselman, as we present them for the NewDay Leadership Team. Last Sunday, we were blessed to hear Jon Inselman share his testimony. Part of the expectations for leadership team members, is that they share their testimonies with the church, helping the church to know more about their leaders, and who is being presented for leadership consideration.
Search Committee Update:
What has happened:
1. We have created the Lead Pastor job description. The NewDay leadership team and NW Conference superintendent, Kara Stromberg, have approved it. We have sent it to the NW Conference for posting on the CovConnect website. You can access the job description here:
2. We have completed our church profile and submitted it to the NW Conference on the CovConnect website. This profile tells the Conference and prospective applicants about our church: our history, values, mission and vision statements, worship service style and structure, programs, leadership structure, community involvement, and desires for our church based on the results of the focus groups.
3. We have updated the New Day website (thank you Angela!!)
What's next:
1. Our profile is live, which means people can find our job posting. We are awaiting applicants! The NW Conference will act as a "matchmaker" to help match our profile with prospective applicants and has already sent us several names which we are in the process of reviewing.
2. We are establishing the compensation package recommendation based on the NW Conference data for pastoral compensation for churches of our size, location, and budget.
3. We are preparing for the interview process.
4. We will start planning for setting up pastoral support teams for the incoming pastor. There will be opportunities to get involved in helping the pastor and their family transition into our community.
What you can do:
1. If you have any applicants to suggest to the PSC, please contact one of us (see below).
2. Please continue to pray. We are grateful for all of your prayers and especially the dedication of the Search Process Prayer Committee.
Specific prayer needs:
1. For guidance for the search committee as we move through this process of discernment, especially as we start to interact with applicants.
2. For our future pastor who is listening to God's calling.
3. For the search process to continue smoothly and for patience for our community as we move through it together.
3. Please reach out to any of us at any time with questions and thoughts.
PSC members, roles, and contact information:
Roger Hofer: Chair. 507-254-3935
Natalie Woodberry: Vice-chair, communication coordinator. 612-747-3627
Kristi Florek: Secretary. 507-202-0324
Charlotte Florek: Secretary. 507-226-2569
Cindi Halleen: Church Chair, leadership team liaison. 507-358-5447
Ethiopia Trip
The group visiting the Addis Ketema CarePoint has had an absolutely amazing week experiencing more of what God is doing in the Addis Ketema community. We look forward to sharing more with you about this trip next Sunday, June 30th.