Minnesota Teen Challenge Sunday at NewDay

This Sunday’s service can be viewed on our Facebook page @ Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hello NewDay family,
As we wrap up this week that was filled with a lot of warmth and sunshine, I hope you can reflect with gratitude and appreciation for these late summer gifts from God. We are truly having a lovely gift of weather right now! I hope you get to enjoy more of it this weekend.
We are inviting you to come for encouraging words and song this Sunday, September 15th, at NewDay, as we host MN Adult and Teen Challenge.
I can imagine everyone of us has some connection point with someone experiencing the challenges and hurt that arise from drug and alcohol addiction. I am grateful for organizations like Teen Challenge that are here to help people and their families recover from addiction, reclaim their lives, and connect ultimately with the source of healing and life, Jesus! Jesus tells us in John 10:10, "I have come to give you life and life to the full."

Please bring something to share for the potluck, and come to be encouraged this Sunday by stories of hope and new lives and families being changed by Jesus, through MN Adult and Teen Challenge.

We also will be receiving a special offering for Teen Challenge on Sunday. Thank you for prayerfully considering supporting Teen Challenge with a financial gift. 

In Christ,
Pastor Kari



Following the worship gathering, worship services will be uploaded to our website and will be available at www.newdaycov.org/listen.

NewDay Online Giving: https://newday.churchcenter.com/giving

Pastor Search Committee Update:

What has happened: 

1. Of the 5 candidates we offered interviews to, 3 were interested in connecting via an initial virtual interview. The purpose of these interviews was to get to know each other off paper and mutually determine whether the PSC and each candidate want to move forward with a more formal in-person interview.

2. We have completed 2 of these interviews and have 1 more scheduled for next week. We are encouraged by and excited about the 3 candidates.

What's next: 

1. We will complete 1 more initial zoom interview next week. Please be in prayer for this happening on Wednesday evening.

2. We will then determine with each candidate those we would like to schedule and complete in-person interviews with. The purpose of these interviews will be to narrow down to a single candidate to bring forward to the leadership team, staff, and congregation for approval to call to the lead pastor position at NewDay.

What you can do: 

1. Please continue to pray. We are grateful for all of your prayers and especially the dedication of the      Search Process Prayer Committee.

      Specific prayer needs: 
       1. For guidance for the search committee as we move through this process of discernment and                     interact in person with applicants.
       2. For our future pastor who is listening to God's calling.
       3. For the search process to continue smoothly and for patience for our community as we move                     through it together.

2. Please reach out to any of us at any time with questions and thoughts. 

PSC members, roles, and contact information: 
Roger Hofer: Chair. hofer.roger@gmail.com 507-254-3935
Natalie Woodberry: Vice-chair, communication coordinator. natalie.woodberry@gmail.com 612-747-3627
Kristi Florek: Secretary. mattandkristiflorek@gmail.com 507-202-0324
Charlotte Florek: Secretary.  cnflorek@gmail.com 507-226-2569
Cindi Halleen: Church Chair, leadership team liaison. cp2halleen@gmail.com 507-358-5447

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