Seeking the Heart of God
1 Samuel 12:12-15
12 “But when you saw that Nahash king of the Ammonites was moving against you, you said to me, ‘No, we want a king to rule over us’—even though the Lord your God was your king. 13 Now here is the king you have chosen, the one you asked for; see, the Lord has set a king over you.14 If you fear the Lord and serve and obey him and do not rebel against his commands, and if both you and the king who reigns over you follow the Lord your God—good!15 But if you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel againsthis commands, his hand will be against you, as it was against your ancestors.
1 Samuel 13:7-14
7 Some Hebrews even crossed the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead.
Saul remained at Gilgal, and all the troops with him were quaking with fear. 8 He waited seven days, the time set by Samuel; but Samuel did not come to Gilgal, and Saul’s men began to scatter. 9 So he said, “Bring me the burnt offering and the fellowship offerings.” And Saul offered up the burnt offering. 10 Just as he finished making the offering, Samuel arrived, and Saul went out to greet him.
11 “What have you done?” asked Samuel.
Saul replied, “When I saw that the men were scattering, and that you did not come at the set time, and that the Philistines were assembling at Mikmash, 12 I thought, ‘Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the Lord’s favor.’ So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering.”
13 “You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. 14 But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.”
Seeking the Heart of God
Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near." Isaiah 55:6
Where are you discovering a deeper connection with God these days?
This summer our journey together will take us into those people of the past who discovered something extraordinary about God and themselves because they made one choice that affected all others... they decided to passionately pursue God with all their heart.
This Sunday will be kicking off that theme with a testimony of God's amazing grace and transformation in the lives of our friends.
Here is something to think about as you go about your day today...
For you will know as much of God, and only as much of God, as you are willing to put into practice.
Eric Liddell, Disciplines of the Christian Life
Grateful for you,